Phone pranks to do on friends
Phone pranks to do on friends

phone pranks to do on friends

Frighten them with various monster face and record their reaction (‘Not Alone Halloween Prank’). For your parents using a computer, you can try ‘Blue Screen of Death’ – they will totally freak out. You can scare your friends with their car being damaged (‘Dude, Your Car’). Good Prank Apps to Pull on HalloweenĪ memorable Halloween party needs some good prank apps. Scenarios can be various, the most common one is ‘the parking ticket’. The phone is ringing, the picture is real, the number is real, the voice is customized – your friend will definitely fall for it.

#Phone pranks to do on friends crack#

This application imitates the cracking sound and realistic crack wallpaper. Quite a violent joke for those who care about their devices too much.

phone pranks to do on friends

Just send it to the one you want to prank. Here is how it works: there are ultrasound pictures or videos, you enter your name, the date, voila and it is ready. There different scenarios, like ghosts or monsters jumping out and screaming while your friend is playing a game or fake calls from hell or seeing a monster while having their cavities checked (yes, there is even such a thing). If you are into unexpected and scary practical jokes, you can try out such apps. Certainly, within a second a person will understand it is a joke, but for several seconds they will believe it is real. This app imitates the buzzing sound of a hair clipper, so you can fake accidentally shaving someone’s hair. You send a fake message anonymously or from some fake numbers. A popular scenario ‘You got me pregnant’ is never getting old as guys all over the world get this gut-wrenching feeling ‘Am I going to be a dad?’. Your friend might get a call from the police, the doctor, boyfriend/girlfriend etc. However, if you are too shy, or you start muttering when you try to lie, a prank call app will do everything for you. It is easy to prepare and it is really difficult not to fall for a trick if you are convincing actor. With no doubt you have made a fake phone call at least once in your life. The first thing that comes to everybody’s head is a prank call app. So if you are in a mood for a good laugh, let us have a look at the best prank apps. In fact, these apps are improving practical jokes by using all of the technological advances. Or imagine your girlfriend’s face when you send her a fake photo of you being bald. You can scare your boyfriend by sending a fake photo with a scratch on his car. There are tons of funny prank apps that can help you mess with your friends, a partner or colleagues. The name speaks for itself, a prank app is an application developed to fool around. It is 2019, everything is going digital and practical jokes are not an exception. Just leave these jokes to your grandparents. Long has gone the days when you could play a trick on someone with a whoop cushion or sticking the note ‘Hit me’ on someone’s back.

Phone pranks to do on friends